
Gitleaks 是一款 SAST 工具,用于检测防止git repos 中的密码、API 密钥和令牌等硬编码机密。Gitleaks 是一款易于使用的一体化解决方案,用于检测代码中过去或现在的机密。

Gitleaks 是一款开源秘密扫描器,用于扫描 git 存储库、文件和目录。Gitleaks 拥有超过 1600 万次 docker 下载、1.7 万个 GitHub 星标、900 万次 GitHub 下载、每周数千次克隆和超过 70 万次自制软件安装,是安全专家、企业和开发人员最信赖的开源秘密扫描器。Gitleaks 由 Zach Rice维护。

│ │╲  │
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➜  ~/code(master) gitleaks git -v

    │ ○
    ○ ░
    ░    gitleaks

Finding:     "export BUNDLE_ENTERPRISE__CONTRIBSYS__COM=cafebabe:deadbeef",
Secret:      cafebabe:deadbeef
RuleID:      sidekiq-secret
Entropy:     2.609850
File:        cmd/generate/config/rules/sidekiq.go
Line:        23
Commit:      cd5226711335c68be1e720b318b7bc3135a30eb2
Author:      John
Date:        2022-08-03T12:31:40Z
Fingerprint: cd5226711335c68be1e720b318b7bc3135a30eb2:cmd/generate/config/rules/sidekiq.go:sidekiq-secret:23


Gitleaks 可以使用 Homebrew、Docker 或 Go 安装。Gitleaks 还提供了适用于许多流行平台和操作系统类型的二进制版本,发布页面上提供。此外,Gitleaks 可以直接在您的存储库中作为预提交钩子实现,也可以使用Gitleaks-Action作为 GitHub 操作实现。


# MacOS
brew install gitleaks

# Docker (DockerHub)
docker pull zricethezav/gitleaks:latest
docker run -v ${path_to_host_folder_to_scan}:/path zricethezav/gitleaks:latest [命令] [选项] [源路径]

# Docker (
docker pull
docker run -v ${path_to_host_folder_to_scan}:/path [命令] [选项] [源路径]

# 从源码安装 (确保已安装 go)
git clone
cd gitleaks
make build

GitHub action

查看官方Gitleaks GitHub Action

name: gitleaks
on: [pull_request, push, workflow_dispatch]
    name: gitleaks
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: gitleaks/gitleaks-action@v2
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          GITLEAKS_LICENSE: ${{ secrets.GITLEAKS_LICENSE}} # Only required for Organizations, not personal accounts.


  1. 从安装 precommit

  2. .pre-commit-config.yaml在存储库的根目录创建一个包含以下内容的文件:repos: - repo: rev: v8.19.0 hooks: - id: gitleaks 用于本机执行 GitLeaks或使用gitleaks-docker预提交 ID通过官方 Docker 镜像执行 GitLeaks

  3. 通过执行自动更新配置到最新的版本pre-commit autoupdate

  4. 安装pre-commit install

  5. 现在您已经一切就绪!

➜ git commit -m "this commit contains a secret"
Detect hardcoded secrets.................................................Failed

注意:要禁用 gitleaks 预提交钩子,你可以SKIP=gitleaks在提交命令前面添加,这样它就会跳过运行 gitleaks

➜ SKIP=gitleaks git commit -m "skip gitleaks check"
Detect hardcoded secrets................................................Skipped


  gitleaks [命令]

  completion  为指定的 shell 生成自动补全脚本
  dir         扫描目录或文件中的敏感信息
  git         扫描 Git 仓库中的敏感信息
  help        查看任意命令的帮助
  stdin       从标准输入中检测敏感信息
  version     显示 gitleaks 版本

  -b, --baseline-path string          忽略某些问题的基准文件路径
  -c, --config string                 配置文件路径
                                      1. --config/-c
                                      2. 环境变量 GITLEAKS_CONFIG
                                      3. (目标路径)/.gitleaks.toml
                                      如果以上三者都未设置,gitleaks 将使用默认配置
      --enable-rule strings           仅启用指定 ID 的规则
      --exit-code int                 检测到泄露信息时的退出代码(默认值为 1)
  -i, --gitleaks-ignore-path string   .gitleaksignore 文件或包含此文件的文件夹路径(默认值为 ".")
  -h, --help                          gitleaks 帮助
      --ignore-gitleaks-allow         忽略 gitleaks:allow 注释
  -l, --log-level string              日志级别(trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal)(默认 "info")
      --max-decode-depth int          允许递归解码的最大深度(默认 "0",不进行解码)
      --max-target-megabytes int      跳过大于该大小的文件
      --no-banner                     禁止显示横幅
      --no-color                      禁用彩色输出
      --redact uint[=100]             在日志和标准输出中隐藏敏感信息。仅隐藏部分敏感信息可以设置百分比,例如 --redact=20(默认隐藏 100%)
  -f, --report-format string          输出格式(json, csv, junit, sarif)(默认 "json")
  -r, --report-path string            报告文件路径
  -v, --verbose                       显示扫描的详细输出
      --version                       显示 gitleaks 的版本信息

使用 "gitleaks [command] --help" 获取有关某个命令的更多信息。


⚠️v8.19.0 引入了一项更改,即弃用了detectprotect。这些命令仍然可用,但隐藏在--help菜单中。查看此要点以轻松进行命令翻译。如果您发现 v8.19.0 破坏了现有命令 ( detectprotect),请打开问题。



git命令允许您扫描本地 git 存储库。在底层,gitleaks 使用命令来扫描补丁。您可以使用选项git log -p配置的行为。例如,如果您想对一系列提交运行 gitleaks,则可以使用以下命令:。有关更多信息,请参阅git log文档。如果没有将目标指定为位置参数,则 gitleaks 将尝试将当前工作目录扫描为 git 存储库。git log -plog-optsgitleaks git -v --log-opts="--all commitA..commitB" path_to_repo


dir(别名包括files, )命令directory允许您扫描目录和文件。例如:gitleaks dir -v path_to_directory_or_file。如果没有将目标指定为位置参数,则 gitleaks 将扫描当前工作目录。


你也可以用以下命令将数据传输到 gitleaks stdin。例如:cat some_file | gitleaks -v stdin


扫描大型存储库或具有较长历史的存储库时,使用基线会很方便。使用基线时,gitleaks 将忽略基线中存在的任何旧发现。基线可以是任何 gitleaks 报告。要创建 gitleaks 报告,请使用参数运行 gitleaks --report-path

gitleaks git --report-path gitleaks-report.json # This will save the report in a file called gitleaks-report.json


gitleaks git --baseline-path gitleaks-report.json --report-path findings.json

使用 –baseline-path 参数运行detect命令后,报告输出(findings.json)将只包含新问题。


pre-commit.py您可以将示例脚本复制到目录中,以将 Gitleaks 作为预提交钩子运行.git/hooks/


Gitleaks 提供了一种配置格式,您可以按照该格式编写自己的秘密检测规则:

# Title for the gitleaks configuration file.title = "Gitleaks title"# Extend the base (this) configuration. When you extend a configuration# the base rules take precedence over the extended rules. I.e., if there are# duplicate rules in both the base configuration and the extended configuration# the base rules will override the extended rules.# Another thing to know with extending configurations is you can chain together# multiple configuration files to a depth of 2. Allowlist arrays are appended# and can contain duplicates.# useDefault and path can NOT be used at the same time. Choose one.[extend]# useDefault will extend the base configuration with the default gitleaks config:# = true# or you can supply a path to a configuration. Path is relative to where gitleaks# was invoked, not the location of the base config.path = "common_config.toml"# An array of tables that contain information that define instructions# on how to detect secrets[[rules]]# Unique identifier for this ruleid = "awesome-rule-1"# Short human readable description of the rule.description = "awesome rule 1"# Golang regular expression used to detect secrets. Note Golang's regex engine# does not support lookaheads.regex = '''one-go-style-regex-for-this-rule'''# Int used to extract secret from regex match and used as the group that will have# its entropy checked if `entropy` is set.secretGroup = 3# Float representing the minimum shannon entropy a regex group must have to be considered a secret.entropy = 3.5# Golang regular expression used to match paths. This can be used as a standalone rule or it can be used# in conjunction with a valid `regex` entry.path = '''a-file-path-regex'''# Keywords are used for pre-regex check filtering. Rules that contain# keywords will perform a quick string compare check to make sure the# keyword(s) are in the content being scanned. Ideally these values should# either be part of the identiifer or unique strings specific to the rule's regex# (introduced in v8.6.0)keywords = [  "auth",  "password",  "token",]# Array of strings used for metadata and reporting purposes.tags = ["tag","another tag"]    # ⚠️ In v8.21.0 `[rules.allowlist]` was replaced with `[[rules.allowlists]]`.    # This change was backwards-compatible: instances of `[rules.allowlist]` still  work.      #    # You can define multiple allowlists for a rule to reduce false positives.    # A finding will be ignored if _ANY_ `[[rules.allowlists]]` matches.    [[rules.allowlists]]    description = "ignore commit A"    # When multiple criteria are defined the default condition is "OR".    # e.g., this can match on |commits| OR |paths| OR |stopwords|.    condition = "OR"    commits = [ "commit-A", "commit-B"]    paths = [      '''go\.mod''',      '''go\.sum'''    ]    # note: stopwords targets the extracted secret, not the entire regex match    # like 'regexes' does. (stopwords introduced in 8.8.0)    stopwords = [      '''client''',      '''endpoint''',    ]    [[rules.allowlists]]    # The "AND" condition can be used to make sure all criteria match.    # e.g., this matches if |regexes| AND |paths| are satisfied.    condition = "AND"    # note: |regexes| defaults to check the _Secret_ in the finding.    # Acceptable values for |regexTarget| are "secret" (default), "match", and "line".    regexTarget = "match"    regexes = [ '''(?i)parseur[il]''' ]    paths = [ '''package-lock\.json''' ]# You can extend a particular rule from the default config. e.g., gitlab-pat# if you have defined a custom token prefix on your GitLab instance[[rules]]id = "gitlab-pat"# all the other attributes from the default rule are inherited    [[rules.allowlists]]    regexTarget = "line"    regexes = [ '''MY-glpat-''' ]# This is a global allowlist which has a higher order of precedence than rule-specific allowlists.# If a commit listed in the `commits` field below is encountered then that commit will be skipped and no# secrets will be detected for said commit. The same logic applies for regexes and paths.[allowlist]description = "global allow list"commits = [ "commit-A", "commit-B", "commit-C"]paths = [  '''gitleaks\.toml''',  '''(.*?)(jpg|gif|doc)''']# note: (global) regexTarget defaults to check the _Secret_ in the finding.# if regexTarget is not specified then _Secret_ will be used.# Acceptable values for regexTarget are "match" and "line"regexTarget = "match"regexes = [  '''219-09-9999''',  '''078-05-1120''',  '''(9[0-9]{2}|666)-\d{2}-\d{4}''',]# note: stopwords targets the extracted secret, not the entire regex match# like 'regexes' does. (stopwords introduced in 8.8.0)stopwords = [  '''client''',  '''endpoint''',]

请参阅默认gitleaks 配置以获取示例,或者如果您希望为默认配置做出贡献,请遵循贡献指南



如果你故意提交 gitleaks 会捕获的测试机密,你可以gitleaks:allow在该行中添加注释,指示 gitleaks 忽略该机密。例如:

class CustomClass:
    discord_client_secret = '8dyfuiRyq=vVc3RRr_edRk-fK__JItpZ'  #gitleaks:allow


.gitleaksignore您可以通过在存储库根目录下创建一个文件来忽略特定发现。在版本 v8.10.0 中,GitleaksFingerprint为 Gitleaks 报告添加了一个值。每个泄漏或发现都有一个指纹,可以唯一地标识一个秘密。将此指纹添加到.gitleaksignore文件中以忽略该特定秘密。有关示例,请参阅 Gitleaks 的.gitleaksignore。注意:此功能是实验性的,将来可能会发生变化。


有时秘密的编码方式使得仅使用正则表达式很难找到它们。现在您可以告诉 gitleaks 自动查找和解码编码文本。该标志--max-decode-depth启用此功能(默认值“0”表示默认情况下禁用该功能)。



  • 该位置指向编码文本的边界

    • 如果规则在编码文本之外匹配,则边界也会调整以包括该文本

  • 匹配和秘密包含解码的值

  • 添加了两个标签decoded:<encoding>decode-depth:<depth>


  • base64(标准和 base64url)




