• OpenSSH 9.6 通过新的 "严格 KEX "协议扩展解决了这一协议弱点,当客户端和服务器都支持该扩展时,它将自动启用。该扩展对 SSH 传输协议做了两处修改,以提高初始密钥交换的完整性。Firstly, it requires endpoints to terminate the connection if any unnecessary or unexpected message is received during key exchange (including messages that were previously legal but not strictly required like SSH2_MSG_DEBUG). This removes most malleability from the early protocol.

  • 首先,它要求端点在密钥交换过程中收到任何不必要或意外信息(包括 SSH2_MSG_DEBUG 等以前合法但并非严格要求的信息)时终止连接。这就消除了早期协议的大部分可变性。Secondly, it resets the Message Authentication Code counter at the conclusion of each key exchange, preventing previously inserted messages from being able to make persistent changes to the sequence number across completion of a key exchange. Either of these changes should be sufficient to thwart the Terrapin Attack.

  • 其次,它在每次密钥交换结束时重置信息验证码计数器,防止先前插入的信息在密钥交换完成后对序列号进行持续更改。无论哪种变化,都足以挫败 Terrapin 攻击。More details of these changes are in the PROTOCOL file in the OpenSSH source distribition.

有关这些更改的更多详情,请参阅 OpenSSH 源代码发行版中的 PROTOCOL 文件。

Terrapin攻击 (CVE-2023-48795)


CVE-2023-48795: BaseScore N/A


  • The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such that some packets are omitted (from the extension negotiation message), and a client and server may consequently end up with a connection for which some security features have been downgraded or disabled, aka a Terrapin attack. This occurs because the SSH Binary Packet Protocol (BPP), implemented by these extensions, mishandles the handshake phase and mishandles use of sequence numbers. For example, there is an effective attack against SSH’s use of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (and CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC). The bypass occurs in chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com and (if CBC is used) the -etm@openssh.com MAC algorithms.

  • 在 9.6 之前的 OpenSSH 和其他产品中找到的具有某些 OpenSSH 扩展的 SSH 传输协议允许远程攻击者绕过完整性检查,从而省略某些数据包(来自扩展协商消息),因此客户端和服务器可能最终获得某些安全功能已降级或禁用的连接。 又名 Terrapin 攻击。这是因为这些扩展实现的 SSH 二进制数据包协议 (BPP) 错误地处理了握手阶段,并错误地处理了序列号的使用。例如,针对 SSH 使用 ChaCha20-Poly1305(以及带有 Encrypt-then-MAC 的 CBC)的攻击存在有效攻击。旁路发生在 chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com 和(如果使用 CBC)-etm@openssh.com MAC 算法中。







  1. 特定加密算法:ChaCha20-Poly1305和CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC

  2. 攻击者处于中间人位置,可以在 TCP/IP 层拦截和修改连接的流量

  3. 本地网络发起,从Internet发起很困难

The Terrapin attack requires an active Man-in-the-Middle attacker, that means some way for an attacker to intercept and modify the data sent from the client or server to the remote peer. This is difficult on the Internet, but can be a plausible attacker model on the local network.




攻击者在握手结束前注入 IGNORE 信息,计数器的变化会在安全通道中阻断 EXT_INFO消息


攻击者在Client发送 NEWKEYS 之前注入 UNKNOWN。 由于Server已经发送了 NEWKEYS,UNIMPLMENTED 消息将在 EXTINFO 之后在安全通道内发送。 损坏的未实现消息很可能被忽略


该漏洞官方描述为:General Protocol Flaw(一般协议缺陷)



The data in the messages exchanged after the completion of the handshake determines the severity of the attack’s repercussions.


Right now, the biggest mitigation factor for the attack is the MiTM requirement, which makes Terrapin a less severe threat. For this reason, patching CVE-2023-48795 may not be a priority in many cases.

目前,攻击的最大缓解因素是 MiTM 的需求,这使得 Terrapin 的威胁不那么严重。因此,在许多情况下,修补 CVE-2023-48795 可能不是优先事项。




Terrapin Vulnerability Scanner 是一个用 Go 编写的小型实用程序,可用于确定 SSH 客户端或服务器对 Terrapin 攻击的漏洞。漏洞扫描程序需要与对等方建立单个连接,以收集所有支持的算法。但是,它不会执行完全成熟的 SSH 密钥交换,永远不会尝试在服务器上进行身份验证,并且在实践中不会执行攻击。相反,漏洞是通过检查支持的算法和对已知对策(严格密钥交换)的支持来确定的。这可能会错误地声明漏洞,以防对等方支持此工具未知的对策。



基于Terrapin的潜在风险:CVE-2023-46445 & 46446

Python SSH客户端AsyncSSH的开源代码中存在可利用风险,目前Terrapin研究员上报了两个CVE

CVE-2023-46445: BaseScore 5.9


An issue in AsyncSSH before 2.14.1 allows attackers to control the extension info message (RFC 8308) via a man-in-the-middle attack, aka a “Rogue Extension Negotiation.”

低于 2.14.1 的 AsyncSSH 中存在一个问题,允许攻击者通过中间人攻击(也称为“恶意扩展协商”)来控制扩展信息消息 (RFC 8308)。

CVE-2023-46446: BaseScore 6.8


An issue in AsyncSSH before 2.14.1 allows attackers to control the remote end of an SSH client session via packet injection/removal and shell emulation, aka a “Rogue Session Attack.”

低于 2.14.1 的 AsyncSSH 中存在一个问题,允许攻击者通过数据包注入/删除和 shell 仿真来控制 SSH 客户端会话的远程端,也称为“恶意会话攻击”。